Singer’s Greeting

Music by Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)
Lyrics by Sigvald Skavland (1845-1878)

English Lyrics, Translations and Notes
Prepared by Dr. Alf Lunder Knudsen

Edvard Grieg set the melody to the text of lyricist Sigvald Skavland’s poem. Traditionally the host chorus as a welcome to guest choruses and singers normally uses Sangerhilsen to open Sangerfest or Sangerstevne.

First performed at the “6th Giant National Sangerfest” (June 16-18, 1883) on Sunday June 17 in Trondheim by a “host chorus” of 200 representing the four choruses from that city. Sangerhilsen was an immediate success performed [by request] time and again during that Sangerfest.

The repertoire for Norwegian Male Choruses had been for the most part limited to songs by lesser-known German composers often set to Norwegian texts. By the 1880s more Norwegian patriotic material became available, and new songs were introduced at every Sangerfest. Gradually the programs took on a more distinctive Norwegian flavor and at the June 16, 1883, concert, a total of 11 Norwegian compositions were performed.

Let us whirl the song of welcome,
Brothers, towards the gay/happy parade!
To the harp atop our banner
Sing loudly in its tongue.
Light on foot, bright in mind
Singers’ procession move in.

Blend your voices, fellow singers
In “perfect harmony”!
Before again we part,
Our souls will have melded.
Therefore to our Sangerfest
Brother singers you’re well met.