Music by Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) English Lyrics, Translations and Notes Edvard Grieg set the melody to the text of lyricist Sigvald Skavland’s poem. Traditionally the host chorus as a welcome to guest choruses and singers normally uses Sangerhilsen to open Sangerfest or Sangerstevne. First performed at the “6th Giant National Sangerfest” (June 16-18, 1883) on Sunday June 17 in Trondheim by a “host chorus” of 200 representing the four choruses from that city. Sangerhilsen was an immediate success performed [by request] time and again during that Sangerfest. The repertoire for Norwegian Male Choruses had been for the most part limited to songs by lesser-known German composers often set to Norwegian texts. By the 1880s more Norwegian patriotic material became available, and new songs were introduced at every Sangerfest. Gradually the programs took on a more distinctive Norwegian flavor and at the June 16, 1883, concert, a total of 11 Norwegian compositions were performed. Brothers, towards the gay/happy parade! To the harp atop our banner Sing loudly in its tongue. Light on foot, bright in mind Singers’ procession move in. Blend your voices, fellow singers |